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Lighthouse Legal Counsel, LLC is dedicated to representing the interests of employers/management in HR, employment, and labor matters.   Recognizing that it is preferable for many reasons to prevent problems rather than responding to them, we strive to equip or clients with the knowledge and resources to deal effectively and prospectively with HR and employment issues.  While this philosophy is best exemplified by the innovative and well-received HR Counsel on Demand service we created, we utilize an educational and collaborative approach in meeting the full HR, labor, and employment law needs of our clients.

HR Counsel on Demand

The premise underlying our HR Counsel on Demand program is that virtually every municipality and business could benefit from better access to experienced HR and employment law counsel and that worrying about the legal fee "meter running" shouldn't be an impediment to that access. Consequently, we created the HR Counsel on Demand program to provide access by telephone and, as needed, in person, to seasoned and sensible employment counsel for a reasonable fixed fee.  Advice about the alphabet soup of federal and state employment-related laws (ACA, ADA, ADEA, COBRA, FCRA, FLSA, FMLA, GINA, HIPAA, MPLA, PDA, USERRA, WARN, and more) can be just a phone call away.  (HINT:  If you thought "PDA" just referred to a public display of affection, you may need this service.)  


Beyond legal advice as needed, the service includes essential training on HR and employment topics, policy review and preparation, and other resources to help insure that your HR Department of whatever size is keeping your business protected and productive.

HR Compliance and Risk Assessments

These may be undertaken as part of the HR Counsel on Demand service or on a stand-alone basis.  Such assessments are intended to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your organization's HR compliance and include recommendations for reducing risks and better conforming to best practices and legal mandates.


Lighthouse Legal Counsel, LLC is available to conduct or counsel you in conducting investigations of alleged workplace misconduct, such as sexual harassment or other forms of discriminatory behavior.


Training in critical areas of HR and employment law is an integral part of the HR Counsel on Demand service. Such training is also available on an ad hoc basis as well.  Recent training topics presented by Attorney Dolan include:


  • Affordable Care Act:  What Businesses Need to Know


  • Alphabet Soup Survival Guide:  Overview of Selected Employment Laws 


  • The Open Meeting Law and Conducting Public Meetings


  • Discrimination/Harassment Avoidance


  • Empowering Supervisors to Supervise:  Fundamentals of Conflict Management, Discipline, Due Process, and Documentation


  • Fair Labor Standards Act:  Overview and Pitfalls to Avoid


  • Family and Medical Leave Act:  What Every Manager Needs to Know


  • FMLA and ADA Updates


  • Following the Right Route:  An Overview of Select Provisions of the MA Ethics Law


  • HIPAA Privacy and Security


  • Hiring Do’s and Don’ts


  • MA Data Security Regulations


  • Municipal Health Insurance Reform and Options


  • Public Sector Collective Bargaining in Massachusetts


  • Responding with Respect:  A Guide for First Responders in Responding to Calls Involving Individuals with Service Animals


  • Social Media:  Its Use, Misuse, and Management in the Workplace

HR Documents

Whether as a part of the HR Counsel on Demand service or on a separate basis, Lighthouse Legal Counsel, LLC can provide you with the HR and employment documents you need, such as:


  • Personnel Policies


  • Employee Handbooks


  • Hiring and Interviewing Procedures


  • Employment Agreements and Offers


  • Severance Agreements


Representation/Labor Counsel Services

Beyond its innovative services in the HR and employment law areas, Lighthouse Legal Counsel, LLC provides representation in these areas:


  • Collective Bargaining


  • Grievance Proceedings


  • Disciplinary Matters and Terminations


  • Mediation


  • Arbitration


  • Litigation


  • MCAD Proceedings


  • Unemployment Hearings


  • JLMC Proceedings (Public Sector)


  • Civil Service Commission hearings

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